**Forthcoming in Progress in Community Health Partnerships (PCHP) 19.2. All rights reserved.**
With an aging population, there is a growing concern regarding Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia (ADRD). Underserved racial and ethnic groups, including Korean Americans (KAs), face challenges in accessing ADRD information. To better understand the issues on ADRD among KA elders and involve them in community initiatives, the Korean Community Services (KCS) in New York conducted three listening sessions: two sessions with individuals of different age groups (40 and above and 65 and above) and one with caregivers or individuals who interact with ADRD patients. Negative perceptions and a lack of ADRD knowledge were reported, with an openness to utilizing long-term care among KAs. Recommendations included support groups, seminars from medical professionals, and early screening. Continuing efforts on culturally-tailored campaigns and initiatives targeting the KA community are needed to bridge knowledge gaps and increase awareness of ADRD. The listening sessions offer valuable insights for tailoring health campaigns for diverse populations.