Challenges and Lessons from conducting a Community-Engaged Evaluation of a Community Advisory Board –A case study from Flint

Preprint Publication Date:
June 21, 2023
Publication Status:
Awaiting Publication
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Manuscript PDF File:

**Forthcoming in Progress in Community Health Partnerships (PCHP) 18.1. All rights reserved.**


Community-engaged research often poses challenges due to exactly those qualities that make it desirable: it provides a new model of research that differs in many ways from top-down, university-led, prospectively designed approaches. While many have discussed the challenges to conducting community-engaged research, few have provided precise and generalizable lessons for how to surmount these challenges. Here we discuss the challenges experienced in a project that was community-engaged at three levels: 1) a research team consisting of an academic and a community partner as well as a community and academic research assistant, 2) the research team engaged with a Community Advisory Board called the CBOP-CERB (Community Based Organization Partners-Community Ethics Research Board) throughout the project, and 3) the research involved recruiting community participants from an area with a historical distrust of researchers and research: Flint Michigan. We also discuss administrative challenges that this multi-level community-engagement posed. Most importantly, we provide practical lessons in order for future community-engaged research to avoid or mitigate many of these challenges.