**Forthcoming in Progress in Community Health Partnerships (PCHP) 18.1. All rights reserved.**
Background: Youth experiencing homelessness (YEH) face a wide range of complex barriers to COVID-19 vaccine confidence and access.
Objectives: Describe our process for engaging a cross-sector team centering equity and youth voice; outline our intervention strategies to enhance COVID-19 vaccine confidence and access among YEH; and discuss lessons learned through this community-engaged process.
Methods: We engaged partners from across sectors, including youth-serving agencies, healthcare organizations, public health organizations, and YEH. We used focus groups, key informant interviews, and other community engagement strategies to develop and implement a series of interventions aimed to increase COVID-19 vaccine confidence and access among YEH.
Results: We identified youths’ key concerns about vaccine confidence and access. To address these concerns, we implemented four community-driven interventions: youth-friendly messaging, health events, vaccine aftercare kits, and staff training.
Conclusion: This community-engaged project highlighted the value of cross-sector partnership and consistent youth engagement in addressing vaccine confidence among YEH.