YES! Sí Se Puede: Preliminary Results from an Urban Latinx Youth Development Program

Online Publication Date:
October 24, 2024
Publication Status:
Awaiting Publication
Manuscript PDF File:

**Forthcoming in Progress in Community Health Partnerships (PCHP). All rights reserved.**


Background: Latinx persons are America's largest and the fastest-growing ethnic minority, however they are at risk for poor academic and health outcomes. The challenges presented by urbanization are best addressed by collaborative community partnerships.
Objectives: Share implementation and preliminary results of a partnership-driven program for positive youth development of at-risk youth.
Methods: The YES! Sí Se Puede project aimed to reduce academic and health disparities among Latinx youth through a university-middle school-community organization alliance. A sample of 134 middle school students (across three cohorts) from southern California participated in a youth development intervention across one year (2010-2013). Data were collected at baseline, post-program, and 6-month follow-up.
Results: Computer knowledge (p=.006), academic self-esteem (p=.010), and friend social support for physical activity (p=.002) significantly increased.
Conclusions: While data show partial success, the long-term investment of attention and quality programming for underserved youth and families will likely provide benefits for years to come.