Aquí Entre Nos (Just Between Us): Engagement of hotel housekeepers during sociopolitical and environmental change

Preprint Publication Date:
July 25, 2023
Publication Status:
Awaiting Publication
Manuscript PDF File:

**Forthcoming in Progress in Community Health Partnerships (PCHP) 18.2. All rights reserved.**


Background: Aquí Entre Nos (Between Us) is a community-based participatory research project to engage rural, ethno-racially diverse hotel housekeepers in a right to work state during a time of national anti-immigrant policy, wildfires and emergence of a global pandemic.
bjectives: We aimed to (1) build trust and social support with the hotel housekeeping community; (2) learn about the occupational health, safety, and workers’ rights challenges, strategies, and solutions held by workers; and (3) develop a workforce-driven research and action agenda to improve labor and health conditions.
Methods: Participatory mixed methods rooted in popular education are described to form an advisory board and engage the workforce.
Lessons Learned: Trusted relationships built through community organizing around immigration, housing, and minimum wage were critical to engage and drive a worker centered research agenda.
Conclusion: Despite challenges, housekeeper advisors defined a research agenda that addressed immediate and long term needs of the workforce.