Article Preprints For This Issue New lower bounds on kissing numbers and spherical codes in high dimensionsBy I. Gil-Fernández, J. Kim, H. Liu, and O. Pikhurko Energy estimates in sum-product and convexity problemsBy A. Mudgal The third homology of symplectic groups and algebraic K-theoryBy H. P. Sarwar and M. Schlichting Identifying measures on non-abelian groups and modules by their moments via reduction to a local problemBy W. Sawin Intersections in Lubin-Tate space and biquadratic fundamental lemmasBy B. Howard and Q. Li Arithmetic and geometric deformations of F-pure and F-regular singularitiesBy K. Sato and S. Takagi Optimizers for the finite rank Lieb--Thirring inequalityBy R. L. Frank, D. Gontier, and M. Lewin Hausdorff dimension of caloric measureBy M. Badger and A. Genschaw Global L-packets of quasisplit GSp(2n) and GO(2n)By B. Xu Monodromy and irreducibility of Igusa varietiesBy P. van Hoften and L. X. Xiao